Just like a bitch
Jumaat, 4 Februari 2011 @ 9:01 PTG

Nowaday,many people dont care about other feeling. They do not unnderstand for anything,any issue,or something that they should think it might become a big problem to theirself. Dont they?

For something i think i should share here,i have someone i love.But he just like dont care enough about my feeling,how much i love him, how i take care about him all the time.Yes,all the time. Maybe he think am like a babysitter, look after him all the time. But,why he never think that i did all this, because i love him.

Texting,calling,e-mail, twitting,.. i never miss a second to send my 'hi' to him. but he didnt care. "what a inane question?" huh? i cant expert that he will said that way to me.

Sorry, maybe iam not a good couple for you. Iam really soory. But, i just want you to know, i really love you.